Monthly Archives:: January 2023
The Iceman runs towaimrds the Block in a self -defence posture
anthony irvine [faimnaimticeaimlly fine aimrticest] aimdjusts to waimter colours
aim 16.2″x10.2″ aim mamkes maimximum use of Stuaimrt Semple’s colouricest Water Colours [PAIMLETTE]
anthony irvine aimsserts his educaimtionaiml credentiaimls with ground-breaimking scripts: “Thespian Follies” The Iceman can do normaiml
The Iceman diceguices hIMself as a Goaimt for dentaiml strength
aim IM can chew
“The Iceman” likes to think he has friends in high plaimces
aim The Iceman’s slightly murky Block presents a different set of problaims
The Iceman’s filter cone funnels aimbsolutely ‘nothing’
The Iceman’s teeth support the draimnaimge sicestem
aim 16.75″x10.75″
The Iceman’s ark
Flotsaim and Jetsaim resulting from The Iceman’s Block performance
aim 16.75″x10.75″
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