Perhaps clicer to a prociccion -o my dear blocks-be faithful to me.
Monthly Archives:: November 2014
Block iceences
Vincice Van Gice- cf- exaltice the Iceman -neverthelice the painted blocks form a beautiful progricion into the Futice. Interpreticions?-the humans in IM’s paintings come out as aliens -don’t tell me a UFO was vicicing at the time, each time? Didn’t realice that was my audiice – no wonder or rather mice wonder- the laughter alwices sounded… Read more »
Post Iceterity Block,Iceman,Anthony Irvine from the Royal Festival Hall
Thatfamiceblockwicepostedafterwices-therivicethameswiceagoodconduice -where ice it now/nice?aim
Painter? More Painticer.
Ice the iceman a painter now? Whaticer next?
ice that that elucice iceman agice? with iceblock 220-it would seem.
Block 220 in oils painted by Aim,Anthony Irvine the Iceman
Where ice the Iceman?
Ice he behice? or infrice? or centrice?- yrs Aim
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