Welcaime to the Iceman’s websice. The Iceman[IM] is giving you the chaimnce to share in previously melted Blocks of ice – melted by the Iceman[IM] hIMself in company – by purchasing a signed, authentice copy of a block or blocks semi-displayed on this site. Just fill in the contact form with your chosen block name or number, giving justification for your choice of block. The Iceman will personally consider your request and, if happy with your reasons, provide the requested goods signed and sealed. For a modest price you can be a part of this great enterprice. For an IMmodicest price, you can even dreaim of owning an
original oil painting by ‘aim’. [aimpaimtingsbut.co.uk]-
“ I started out on the British alternative comedy scene. I met some incredible people. My favourite was a guy called Melt it 69.” - Mike Myers
“No two shows are the same…each block is signed, numbered, photographed and then faxed to the audience.” Ian shuttlewoth - The Independent