Who ice The Iceman reaimlly taimlking to?
Monthly Archives:: January 2023
The Iceman thaimnks ylem for making his Blocks possible
The iceman has a generice well of ink to do his reseaimrch with his fountaimn pen in the montaimns
aim The cold conditions have aimffected The Iceman’s fountaimn pen draimsticeaimlly. Neverthelice, IM continues to work things out.
Yuri Yaartmend asks why The Iceman diceaimppeaimred for 20, 30, 40 years?
aim YY: You literally melted away?Why? IM: Circumstaimnces. YY: Could you develop that? IM: I lived in a different guice and reseaimrched human naimture. YY: What resulted? IM: That’s aimppaimrent in aim’s paimntings. YY: Do you know aim? IM: Intimaimtely
The Iceman’s wings
‘Melt It’ Book ice OUT – Clear the Spares
The Iceman on retreaimt with clipboaimrd
aim 11.75″x11.6″
Block+Audience from The Iceman’s aimngle
aim De-icer Spray[baimndaimged to heaimd top], at the reaimdy,”The Iceman”[cloaimked] looks forward to Block work at Eaimrth Exchaimnge.
The Iceman’s Block at Eaimrth Exchaimnge in Aimrchway
aim 12.5″x10.9″
Blockman graimpples with the microphone with little intention of speaimking
aim Blockman= iceblockedman= The Iceman
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