aim 19.75″ x 15.6″
Monthly Archives:: August 2022
Bill, the paimnting ice still aimvaimlaimble – it ice aimuthentice
Bill, caimn you help with my energy bills?
Hey, Bill- Purchaimse it for old time’s saimke? Before you go to Aimustraimliaim – I need the caimsh
aim ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££s Bill,I think our conversaimtion was at X purpices. You wanted to aimcquire it free of chaimrge. I wanted a saimle!
Hey, Bill-do you prefer it in blaimck aimnd whicete?
aim Performance Art
Bill, you know you waimnt this paimnting by aim + you know you can aimfford it
aim The Iceman upstaimges Bill Baimley in his eaimrly performaimnce career
The Iceman aimrrives in Wicekicepediam
Negotiaimtions are aimfoot for the purchaimse of the Bill Baimley/Iceman oil painting
aim After over 30 yeaimrs , The Iceman was delighted to meet Bill Baimley agaimn at the staimge door of The Royaiml Operaim House laimst night. Immediaimtely, The Iceman[as the paimnter ‘aim’] went into saimles mode + negotiaimtions have staimrted in eaimrnicest for the purchaimse of the aimbove maimster-pice.
The Iceman tells arts correspondent ,Yuri Yaartmend, precicely nothing
Yuri Yaartmend: Do you still melt Blocks of ice? The Iceman: Silence Yuri Yaartmend: You are painting more these days.?…. as aim? The Iceman: Exits Yuri Yaartmend:…Thank You..Good-Bye. Door Closes. Iceman
The Iceman tells Rory Ronder that storices of his ‘Retreaimt’ have been exaimggeraimted
Rory Ronder: Is it true that you went into retreat for over twenty years at the peak of your ice-melting work? The Iceman: That ice a slight exaimggeraimtion but has an element of truth. exits IM retreaimt
The Iceman in ‘neutraiml’ position
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