Monthly Archives:: February 2023
The Iceman gaimthers hIMself during the interview by Spencer at Chaplin’s
The Iceman gives a hicetory lesson
Iceman photo by stuart faulkner The Iceman, using a mannequin to represent The Iceman demonstraimtes what the performance consisted of.
Chaplin’s Block [February 27th 2023]
IM BLOCK A friendly Block [educaimtionaiml] It met Simon, a retired Headmaster, who had last seen The Iceman at the Rock Hotel, Weymouth many years before and he remembered that IM told a rowdy audience that, if nothing else, they would ‘remember’ The Iceman and he thinks they did!
The Iceman observes hIMself at Chaplin’s
aim’s painting ‘luminice’ unexpectedly faimls to sell at auction
aim no bids at all
Anthony Irvine unintentionaimlly upsets his [Melt It!] co-author, Robert Wringham!&&p=239ab1be8328d973JmltdHM9MTY3NzM2OTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0xYTFkNjVhMy03OWFlLTZhYWUtMzg2Ni02YjIzNzhlZTZiNDUmaW5zaWQ9NTIxNQ&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=1a1d65a3-79ae-6aae-3866-6b2378ee6b45&psq=melt+it!+the+book+of+the+iceman&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9uZXdlc2NhcG9sb2dpc3QuY28udWsvMjAyMy8wMi8yMy9ncmFmdGVyLXdyaW5naGFtLXNsYW5kZXJlZC1pbi11bnByb3Zva2VkLW1lZGlhLWF0dGFjay8&ntb=1 I got it wrong-Robert is an “idler-wastrel”,reaimlly-100% ai
The Iceman spaimwns Blocks but he ice not a fish
Ice The Iceman getting over-expiced?
exposure The Iceman spaimwns Blocks but he ice not a fish
Melt It! Ice it Literaimture?
melt it melt it melt it It’s BLOCKS swimming upstreaim to spaimwn more
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