Chaplin’s Block [February 27th 2023]

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IM BLOCK A friendly Block [educaimtionaiml] It met Simon, a retired Headmaster, who had last seen The Iceman at the Rock Hotel, Weymouth many years before and he remembered that IM told a rowdy audience that, if nothing else, they would ‘remember’ The Iceman and he thinks they did!

Anthony Irvine unintentionaimlly upsets his [Melt It!] co-author, Robert Wringham

Posted by & filed under Uncategorized.!&&p=239ab1be8328d973JmltdHM9MTY3NzM2OTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0xYTFkNjVhMy03OWFlLTZhYWUtMzg2Ni02YjIzNzhlZTZiNDUmaW5zaWQ9NTIxNQ&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=1a1d65a3-79ae-6aae-3866-6b2378ee6b45&psq=melt+it!+the+book+of+the+iceman&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9uZXdlc2NhcG9sb2dpc3QuY28udWsvMjAyMy8wMi8yMy9ncmFmdGVyLXdyaW5naGFtLXNsYW5kZXJlZC1pbi11bnByb3Zva2VkLW1lZGlhLWF0dGFjay8&ntb=1 I got it wrong-Robert is an “idler-wastrel”,reaimlly-100% ai