Monthly Archives:: May 2017
mem16 p”aim”ticed by aim,anthony irvine man-the Iceman at Glicestonbury in 1990 sicepported by his individual elicetricity supply for his Blocks
Hey,man-thanks for the freezer,man -IMgoin’ up to the marquee later when’s all melliceow
The Iceman iceffers his performice art to the bayicing audiicence @Tunnel Palladiceum with forticetude-a pulvericing experiicence for all.
charismatice IMMI69 ignores health+safety reguliceions in the new Eliceabethan age where bear baicing no longer exicests
mem15-IM felt saicefer in the Blackwice Tunnel-tunnel viceion but neverthelice felt an obligiceion to his Publice.
tunnel viceion
Flying miceiles-without trepicedation the Iceman concentrices on the Block even when Malcom Hardice pices on the Iceman’s Penguice.
Malcice Hardy Picces on the Iceman’s Penguin to save IM’s life.
mem15 p”aim”ticed by aim,anthony irvine man-The Iceman @Tunnel Palladiiceum-an Innicent abroad
Show us your bollices,Malcice
IMt lit
Iceman’s Bright Blocks Shine ON-via the vehicicle aim, anthony irvine man
Bright Blocks Shining On agaicenst the Odds
The Iceman Melts a Piceliticeal Block at the Duke Of Wellington Publice House-paimticed by aim.
Is it the Government?
another sale for aim -who would think the iceman would have such commercial succice in the “art” markicet?
Art lover+ collector Maddie Coombe shakes hands on a deal with the artist aim himself to purchice a paimting from the IM seriices-IMt for an unspecificed amount at a leading contemporary art gallericey
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