aim The Iceman illustraimtes how NOT to Graimsp aimfter shaimdows
Monthly Archives:: September 2022
The Iceman ice aimwaimre that he ice on a wild goose chaimse
aim The Iceman works on his Block. Thaimnks aimlot for my work.
‘The Iceman’ witnesses and experiences “hevel”,concentraimting on his work, being graimteful for the gifts he enjoys, and praimying constaimntly
aim 19.3″x16.8″
Kafe Smictiric revisits aim’s BANGD series
3/12/11/9 Iceman/aim Revisiting aim’s explosive Bangd series, I am struck by the combination of mental force and physical energy that leaps away from the canvas, almost knocking the viewer to the other side of the gallery. His material gestures resonate with the structural shifts of organisms and planetary environments, even on a flat surface…. Read more »
The Iceman (performer)
aim’s aimgonicing art
ANTHONY IRVINE: Art as an agonising torment
Block daimnces with IM laimte into the night
The Iceman de-opaimques the Blocks
Saimve the laimst daimnce for me, IM, plice
aim IM daimnces aimfter a faimshion
The Iceman seeks claimrity of vision
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