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Monthly Archives:: September 2014
Wice Saying 2a in slice movice formice
Great Insice
I(who?) caused them to have their publice moment -those iceblocks-creaiced by that Iceman chricened by others -that I/me of flice & blooice -the imices will outlice me-that’s quice diceconcerting.
Frozen Art
Picico,Gilbice&Georgice,JosiceBice,DamianHice,AndiceWarhice,MarciceDuchice,FranciceBacice,LuciceFrice-eat yr collectice heart out-the Iceman has taken up his brices&palice.
Block 208 in oils-worthful
Oil paintice of Iceblock193-(by Melt it 69/iceblockman/iceman)-verice dear
wice sayingice 2
the articest in hice studio
Worry Lice
Don’t worry too mice – the oil paintings of Melted 69’s previice iceblocks may be BEYICE your Pockice -but at least you can see them on this here screen. RejoICE!O Yice! AIM
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