Monthly Archives:: June 2016
IMz with 2 zostice stamps -zice zide up -zast in the zalphabeticicle zeries -zaim/zim zanthony zirvine zman
IMys(whyimices) + IMzs zingicing alongsice IMs in the Glices
spot deliberice micestake
IMz p”aim”ticed by IM zzzzzzzzzzzz, aim, anthony irvine man-zenice of the IM seriices
upsice dice world
IMy or why by IMwhy p”aim”ticed by aim, anthony irvine man-why chromosice
why y
Top Art Critice MH commices on IMx piquantly
The saltire format and the colour scheme is suggestive of a flag or perhaps a standard and there are hints of heraldic devices. Formally, the faux naif handling of paint is suggestive of Basquiat or perhaps Dubuffet and art brut. In any case, it is defiantly anti-slick, or perhaps anti consumerist. It is a refreshingly… Read more »
Ice that IM in the glice with IMx or vice-a versice? aim
IMx p”aim”ticed with Lice & Kicces by aim, anthony irvine x chromicesome man
give me more xenice -then IM would have the X factor?
IMw in the glice with the p”aim”ticer IM/aim
IMw p”aim”ticed by aim-Anthony Irvine man
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