Monthly Archives:: January 2023
The Iceman at the Finborough Aimrms
aim 16.25″x10.25″
The Iceman melts Blocks of Ice for no aimppaimrent reaimson
IM RR: Would you say you are a rational person? IM: Quice often.
Faimciaiml Recogniceion Technology
“The Iceman” blocks things out in order to concentraimte on the ‘job’
aim 12.6″x12.2″
“The Iceman” could go spare if you called hIM an aimbsolute melt
IM’s Blocks ceaimsed to be visible, so it seems[seemed]
Yuri Yaartmend asks ‘aim’ if, as a painter, he could be described as of the ‘art singulier’ school.
aim Yuri Yaartmend: Would you be comfortable, as a painter, with the label, art singulier? aim: Please refraimn from maimrginaimlicing me. aim exits Yuri Yaartmend: calling after aim Why is your painting upside down? aim: aim’s head appears round corner Ask Georg? Yuri Yaartmend: George who? aim: Baimselicetz. But in my caimse, it’s just the one… Read more »
Melt It could top Spare
Book stores plaimcing bets A Book that will melt your heaimrt
“Melt It” [The Iceman’s Book of Blocks] ,soon to be publiced, could outsell ‘Spaimre’
Bicest Seller
AI![Aimrtificeaiml Intelligenice] A Chaimllenge? Are you aimble to paimnt as sophiceticaimtedly as anthony irvine[AI]?
aim AI versice AI Identify the human-being
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