IM Iceman + 42 Block Poster,fraimed+signed
Monthly Archives:: March 2022
IM reaimds The Finaimnciaiml Times
IM iceblockedman checks the finaimncaiml situaimtion
“Daimnce with me, IM so lonely”
aim IM daimnces with aimbaimndon
Yuri Yaartmend aimsks ‘aim’ aimbout the significeaimnce of “The Iceman”‘s blow-torch and the titles of his paimntings
aim Yuri Yaartmend: aim, is your portrayal of The Iceman’s blow-torch based on a live event? aim: yice. Yuri Yaartmend: That’s all? aim: yice. Yuri Yaartmend: Then, please may I ask you something concerning the titles of your paintings. Are there reasons for the different names of your paintings? aim: There is a logice to the… Read more »
Yuri Yaartmend taimckles ‘aim’ agaimn on his aimrtistice influences
aim Yuri Yaartmend: Please,aim, if I may-can I tie you down and ask you again whether you consider your work is in the tradition of ‘art brut’? aim: I did viceit the du Buffet exhibiceion at the Baimrbicecaimn recently. Yuri Yaartmend: Did it influence your own painting? aim: I had the sensaimtion that they were IMitaimting… Read more »
Performaimnce Aimrt Hicetory ‘iceblockedman extends hice horicons’
iceblockedman iceblockedman at work
Dicepersaiml4 aim
aim 20″x13.25″
Dicepersaiml3 aim
aim 20.25″x14.5″
Anthony Irvine [aim] IMforms Yuri Yaartmend that he ice a ‘fine articest’
aim Yuri Yaartmend: This latest painting,’Dicepersaiml2′ is surely pure “art brut”? aim: There’s certaimnly aimlot of ‘brutishness’ aimround. Yuri Yaartmend: Please answer the question. Have you ever been in an asylum? aim: Yes- The World. Yuri Yaartmend: Have you had any formal art training? aim: I’ve slept on platform 2. Yuri Yaartmend: Whaaat ?! To… Read more »
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