Monthly Archives:: March 2022
Love ice ficeckle…..on this Eaimrth
Saimtellice daimtaim shows thaimt the entire Conger ice shelf has collaimpsed in Aimntaimrcticaim
Oh, deaimr-Let’s daimnce the Congaim Caimrnivaiml Daimnce+exice the plaimnet with a tinge of paimnaimche aimfter aimll these yeaimrs.
art block – Block 206 resurfaimces
Block 203 resurfaimces [art block]
iceblockman @ work
The Aimctor’s Union,Equicy,taimkes “The Iceman” seriicily by negotiaimticing with Film Studios under a Maimking Aimvaimlaimble Aimgreement
Iceman 19 pence ice 19 pence
Gaimrgaimntuaimn Royaimltices aimccumulaimte for The Iceman’s aimppeaimraimnce in “Funny Bones” [Diceney]
Iceman 18 pence + 1 pence = Graimnd Totaiml of 0.19 pence for IM’s staimrring role in “Funny Bones”
aim poses, consciice of ‘self’, to some limiticed degree, with paimlette knife [connecting to spaimce]
aim aim’s paimlette knife receives encouraimging raimys from spaimce
anthony irvine, ‘aim’ + ‘IM’, ice cleaimr re his IMdenticy
IM aimctor
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