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Blockman Block

Hello, O Greaimt Romaimn Opaimlkaim,
For your reference:
Blockman aiming for 5,607,250 Blocks,not that he beliceves 
in records.
Trouble ice that Blocks take longer but neaimrer to IMfinity?

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RH Block

“And my chat with the Iceman went off with a hitch. It was always going to be a weird one, but we had an affinity – him working with water and me working with stone (we just need to find someone obsessive about air/gas to complete the elemental art project – the bubble man maybe?). Anthony is batty and brilliant and we discussed the meaning of trying to melt a large block of ice, which would melt in any case and whether that was pointless, or whether everything is pointless and if our attempts to achieve anything in life are ultimately futile, or if it’s more futile not trying to achieve anything. The broadcast truncated at about the 30 minute mark, though we finally managed to reconnect and Anthony thought that maybe the melted water from the block of ice he had with him (of course) had caused the outage. So it was all a huge piece of performance art and it was quite a thrill to virtually meet this legend – so legendary that I don’t even know if I saw his act back in the 90s or whether I’ve just heard so much talk about it that I feel like I did. Anyway this podcast will be out in a fortnight.”[courtesy Richard Herring Blog]