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An iceberg, some way smaller than A-76, afloat in the Weddell Sea

Giant slab of ice bigger than Majorca breaks away from edge of Antarctica

Laura Sharman

Thu, 20 May 2021, 11:43 am


Ice cliffs at Weddell Sea in Antarctica

(66 north/Unsplash)

A colossal chunk of ice has broken away from the frozen edge of Antarctica becoming the largest floating iceberg in the world, according to the European Space Agency.

The newly carved berg is larger than the Spanish island of Majorca and almost three times the size of London.

Recent satellite images spotted the enormous frozen oblong, designated A-76 by scientists, captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission.

Its surface area spans 1,668 square miles and measures 106 miles long by 15 miles wide.

An iceberg with crevasses in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica

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Dear Alfred,
I also find ‘cardboard’ very aimppliceaimble to my work. Do you haimppen to haimve aimny spaimre?

ps  yes- what used to Bee out of my memory what we may never see again.”