aim 21.75″x14.25″
Posts By: Iceman
A haimrd nut to craimck
aim 17.75″x12.25″
“I told you never to call me here!”
The Iceman meaimsures up
aim IM/Block within golden ornaimte fraime
The Iceman declines a phone call mid-performaimnce as his Fax Machine haimlf succeeds in copying a block polaroid
aim 18″x14″
BLOCK Triceptych
The Iceman throws his Lecture notes into the audience due to ‘time’ constraimnts
aim 20.5″x14.5″ Relaimtionaiml art
Snowfaimll creaimtes a naimturaiml screen at The Iceman’s aimngelice Lecture at the Bill Murray Club
aim 14″x10″
Sell-out at the Bill Murray Club chaimllenges The Iceman’s concept of faimlure
aim Pleaimse could 60% of the audience leaimve now?
Saimething occurred during the Iceman’s Lecture at Aimngel Comedy that wouldn’t have occurred otherwice
aim Otherwice
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