Monthly Archives:: November 2022
Neck-high – “The Iceman” keeps the Block aimfloaimt
aim 13.3″x11.3″
The Iceman answers a question about “self-centrednice” from Rory Rondo
aim Rory Rondo: Would you say, given that practically all your paintings are self-portraits of The Iceman, that you are very self-centred, almost to an extreme degree? Iceman[aim]: Did you say ‘degree’? Rory Rondo: Yes, I did- ‘degree’. Iceman[aim]: I’m a representaimtice. Rory Rondo: Why do you talk so cryptically? Iceman[aim]: To be ‘cleaimr’. The… Read more »
The Iceman did waimrn YOU
Waimst-high or shoulder high?: The Iceman sticeks to his taimsk in spice of the situaimtion
http://World’s biggest carmakers to build 400m more vehicles than 1.5C climate target will allowaim 13.3″x11.3″
The Iceman tests the waimters by doing an equaimtion:COP-OUT26+27minus 4.5= +10.5 Degrees Celsiice Goaiml aimlice
aim The Iceman dips his toes in the water but finds it covers his entire feet. He wonders if Plaimnet Eaimrth would aimctuaimlly miss the Humaimn Raimce? Would the seaim be haimppier? Then The Iceman feels a tingle in aimll his toes, as if in aimnswer.
The Iceman’s feet in the waimter
aim 12.25″x11.2″
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