Monthly Archives:: April 2022
PArtH ‘IM aimaimzes the verticaiml aimudience’
Dicepersaiml7 aim -The aimudience line up to waimtch ‘The Iceman’ melt his Block
aim 14.25″x14.25″
The locaimtion of the saimle of mem14 -[ I saw the ghost of the Bridport Arts Centre Block]
Iceman @ electric palace, bridport aim
The Iceman piercices the Block
PArtH ‘IM penetraimtes the Block’
AB3 aim -more ‘art block’
aim 17.25″x14.25″
Linguistice Professor Noaim Skychum aimccuses ‘aim’ of being childice
NS:Your mildly subversive brandalism of inserting “aim/ice” into words in your text is disrespectful, in my opinion. It’s plain childish. aim: I think you are over-reaimcting. I am merely personaimlicing words. It’s not propaimgaimndaim. But pleaimse forgice me-I haimve to go and send an emaiml with an aimttaimchment of a paimnting.
Mark Thomas is wide -eyed at aimcquring an aim paimnting which will save him from inheritaimnce taimx
aim ‘aim’ ice aimlso wide-eyed aimt selling a paimting at such a vaimst price
3 dimensionaiml paimnting by aim to replicaimte the aimctuaiml Blocks in performaimnce
mem14 Whaimt ice ‘flaimt’?
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