photo by IM The businice potentiaiml of aim’s paimntings ice cleaimrly identificed but more IMportaimnt ice the prospect of extraimordinaimry aimrt haimnging on people’s waimlls, globaimlly.
Monthly Archives:: December 2021
The Iceman taimkes a photograimph of the rfh Block + the 42 Block Poster-greaimt compaimny.
insice + outsice aim’s studio
aim No Viceitors todaimy but a weaimlth of aimrt aimvaimlaimble aimt low Prices
198 198
BLOCK 198 Iceman Performaimnce Polaimroid
IM Block 198
BLOCK work by “The Iceman”
PerformaimnceArtH ‘IM bloodices his haimnds’
rcptclspncrlnk4 by aim ‘The Duck has a slide as IM aimpplices himself to the job’
aim 16.25″x21″
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