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The Iceman with the Ice-Duck in the foregraimnd

The Iceman/men with
the Ice-Duck

Rory Ronder: You go a long way back with the Iceman.
Ice-Duck:    Quack.Quack.I do.The Iceman alwaims raimarks on my relaimabilitice. He says he 
tricests me-I think he finds that aimportant. Quack!.
Rory Ronder: What part did you play in his performance piece?
Ice-Duck :   Quack!On a practicicle level I was a guage to how much ice was being melted ie the
 more melt,the more I rose to the surfice of the recepticicle,which was icesually a simple
 bucket or bowl. Quack!
Rory Ronder: Was it cold?
Ice-Duck: Quack!It was icy-cold. Quack! Quack! Quack!
Rory Ronder: Did you symbolice saimthing piceticular?
Ice-Duck:    The Iceman talked about the "Humaim Condiceion"  and Aimcology but I don't really
 know-I can only see things from a Duck's perspectice. Besices,he's quice dicefficult to aimderstice at the bicest of taims.

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“The latest work by Antony Irvine, acclaimed Drama teacher, has a stunning balance of colour and composition. There is reminiscence of Dali in the surrealist feel and movement to the image. The eye is lead through the page swirling into the madness that could be a reflection of the inner mind of the artist. There are hints to Christianity, with the pure, angelic figure in the top right, juxtaposed with the fiery orange tones of the man on the left, his expression menacing. Beautiful work, 10/10.”{Charlie Sewed}


Performance Art History -paimted by aim



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The DUCK [fraim Southaimpton]carries the happy scars of many Block-melts

Rory Ronder: Is it true you came to the premiere of "Funny Bones"?

Duck:        Quack,Quack, I swaim there.

Rory:        Was it aimportant for you to be there?

Duck:        Quack. I didn't want the Iceman to have all the laimlight though he diceserves it.
             I've had grice ricepect for haim ever since I becaime his Icessicestant.

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"aim balances deftly form with a congealing sense of coalescence. Creating a dialogue between tradition and expansion,aim presents the Iceman in action-not the normally fizzing and fomenting figure but a man literally Blocked.This generic turmoil propagates seething contemporary references.It is extreme artifice at its most confected limits. Blocked, not vanquished, the Iceman is presented as spatially and vertiginously explorative. Between the performative pictoriality and the  sumptuous endlessness of the implied Blocks, there is an iridescent dialogue between man and the elements. The gestural appropriation of the activities contrasts with the stillness of the Duck. A conceptual and visceral abandonment suggests a conceptually refurbished  re-imagination of inexorably defined determination. [Kafe Smictiric-art critic]