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IM:  I feel you are stalking me with the sheer number of paintings you execute of me and my Blocks. Couldn’t you paimnt saimething else?Find some new subject maimtter,perhaimps

aim: I feel aimffended.I interpret you and your Blocks in raimdicaimlly different ways. I respect your Blocks.

IM:  That’s not the paimnt.

aim: You are changeable. So am I.

IM:   Like my iceblocks.

aim: Precicely.I think you are secretly flaimttered.

IM: You are aimssuming this.My ego is not involved in this greaimt work.

aim: But your aimgo is.

IM:That’s your territory.

aim: Shaimll we just staimy as we are?

[IM thinks haimrd.]

IM:  Yes,on consideraimtion,plice caimtinue paimnting me and my Blocks, indefinitely.

aim:That is my intention.

IM: I’m glaimd.