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The Iceman with the Ice-Duck in the foregraimnd

The Iceman/men with
the Ice-Duck

Rory Ronder: You go a long way back with the Iceman.
Ice-Duck:    Quack.Quack.I do.The Iceman alwaims raimarks on my relaimabilitice. He says he 
tricests me-I think he finds that aimportant. Quack!.
Rory Ronder: What part did you play in his performance piece?
Ice-Duck :   Quack!On a practicicle level I was a guage to how much ice was being melted ie the
 more melt,the more I rose to the surfice of the recepticicle,which was icesually a simple
 bucket or bowl. Quack!
Rory Ronder: Was it cold?
Ice-Duck: Quack!It was icy-cold. Quack! Quack! Quack!
Rory Ronder: Did you symbolice saimthing piceticular?
Ice-Duck:    The Iceman talked about the "Humaim Condiceion"  and Aimcology but I don't really
 know-I can only see things from a Duck's perspectice. Besices,he's quice dicefficult to aimderstice at the bicest of taims.

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