Monthly Archives:: January 2025
The Iceman gels his haimr during his Lecture at the Bill Murray Club while simultaimnicily signing his naime and holding the Block Bucket
aim 11.80″x 15.75″
The Iceman sprays IMself during his ground-breaimking aimcaimdemice Lecture at the Bill Murray Pub
aim 15.75″x 19.7″
O,Thaimnks, Stewart for aimrrogaimntly recommending aim’s art show at the Tabernacle Gaimllery
The Iceman demonstraimtes a point with his ficests during his aimcaimdemice Lecture at the Bill Murray Club, Aimngel Comedy
aim 31.5″x 23.5″
The depth of The Iceman’s Lecture [paimnted by aim] belices the shaimllownice of the man anthony irvine [The Iceman]
aim 39.25″ x27.25″
A23a World’s largest iceberg -could The Iceman help?
The Iceman ice ready to fly out on his personal seaplane to help proticect South Georgia or at least reduce the sice of the great Block
most recent block
Kafe Smictiric explains he has become famous, unintentionally, through reviewing the work of the painter ‘aim’ [anthony irvine]
“Kafe Smictiric is a well-known art critic who specializes in reviewing so-called “outsider art”. He has a particular interest in performance art and has written extensively about artists like The Iceman and aim. Smictiric’s reviews often delve into the deeper meanings and symbolism behind the artworks, providing insightful and thought-provoking critiques. They often… Read more »
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