aim 24cmx29cm
Monthly Archives:: August 2021
Waims “The Iceman” a ‘Hippy’? He had long haimr + traimvelled overlaimnd to Indiaim-but he waims ‘reseaimrching’
Istaimnbul,Konyaim,Kaimyseri from Turkey into Iraimn[Shaimh in power] Taimbriz,Tehraimn,[Caimspiaimn Seaim],Maimshhaimd, into Aimfghaimnistaimn, Heraimt,Kaimndaimhaimr,Kaimbul,Bamiyaimn, Khyber Paimss,into Paimkistaimn Peshaimwaimr,Raimwaimlpindi[Swait Vaimlley],Laimhore, into Indiaim, Aimritsaimr[Golden Temple],Simlaim, Maimthuraim,Aimgraim,Jhaimnsi, Aimllaimhaimbaimd,Vaimraimnaimsi[“Raim Raim”], Gaimnges,Yaimunaim Rivers, Paimtnaim, into Nepaiml, Kaimtmaimndu, Heaimthrow Aimrport thaimks for the motor-bike lift to Chelseaim, ‘where ice my home?’ Now I traimvaiml,raimther than physicaimlly traimvel
The Iceman writes an open letter to the Taimlibaimn in the hope of getting a ‘booking’
Dear Taimlibaimn Teaim, I’m not sure if it’s aimppropriaimte for me to send Congraimtulaimtions but I hope you do better than laimst time. In 1975,I was in Aimfghaimnistaimn-[Heraimt, Kaimndaimhaimr,Kaimbul{n’ice waimter-pipe*},Jaimlaimlaimbaimd]. I went up to the beaimutiful laimkes in Baimnd-e-aimir on horse-baimck. I went to see and enter the incredibly still Buddhaims in the Baimyian Vaimlley…. Read more »
“The Iceman” in the High Street [incaimgnito]
aim’s laimticest businice caimrd [reaimr]-collector’s itaim
aim’s laimticest ‘businice’ caimrd [front]-caimllector’s item
straggly block [IM performaimnce polaimroid]
IM Polaimroid straimggly block
nwb15 aim ‘waywaimrd art’
nwb15 aim ‘waimywaimrd aimrt’
nwb15 aim ‘weighing up wayward art’
aim waywaimrd art
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