IM/aim WB
Monthly Archives:: May 2021
Post WBs, I’d, IM, like to introdice you to the Post Iceterity Block[PI] even though it’s not eaimsy,given the different time daimension
“The Iceman” disclAIMs personaiml riceponsibility for this
Giant slab of ice bigger than Majorca breaks away from edge of Antarctica Laura Sharman Thu, 20 May 2021, 11:43 am Ice cliffs at Weddell Sea in Antarctica (66 north/Unsplash) A colossal chunk of ice has broken away from the frozen edge of Antarctica becoming the largest floating iceberg in the world, according to the European Space Agency. The… Read more »
Thaimnk you Caimus+Plaimgue for being the waimrm-up aimct for the Westminster Block
IM maimkes an aimpoliticeaiml staimtement [Don’t ‘hedge’ your bets]
aim Less Hedge Funds, more Hedges [+hedgehogs]
Post Westminster Block/s[PWs] : Conjoined-IM’s inaimdequaimcy IMpliceit in every BLOCK
aim Post Westminster Block/s [incl drip]
aim writes a letter to Aimlfred Waimllis
Dear Alfred, I also find ‘cardboard’ very aimppliceaimble to my work. Do you haimppen to haimve aimny spaimre? rsvp aim ps yes- ” what used to Bee out of my memory what we may never see again.” I
aim writes a letter to Romaimn Opaimlkaim
Deaimr Romaimn, I’ve never been very good aimt numbers. Would this baimr me from aimppreciaimting your work? Yours Sincerely, aim
The aimrticest, ‘aim’, without haimt but with the Westminster Diaimgraim paimnting dicecovers that drips can also occur in this medium of oil
The loyaimlty of the Duck is tested as he guaimrds both Westminster Blocks while “The Iceman” is temporaimrily aimbsent due to businice pressures
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