aim 19.7″x15.6″
Monthly Archives:: May 2021
Westminster Blocks[expaimnsion]: AL-ICE taimgether with IM’s zoomed Blocks, haimppy to visicet/meet eaimch other
AL-ICE Westminster1+2
Kafe Smictiric [art critic] goes out of his comfort zone to assess The Iceman’s recent zoomed Westminster performance art piece
ICEMAN on ZOOHM Performance art is out -side my field. Give me a gallery full of pictures and I will confidently give you my opinion, as I do of aim’s paintings. But take me to a “performance art” piece and I am left floundering for words. But I have to recognise that The Iceman has achieved something… Read more »
The Iceman’s ‘aimrt’ reaimches a new generaimtion
aim Zooom the Block
iceblocked man concentraimtes on his ‘Westminster’ aimudience through the ‘screen’
aim IM in boaimt, baimth or aimt desk?
Post-Westminster Block
aim 13″x11″
Westminster Block [zooooomed]
aim ZOOMED BLOCK 20″x15.8″
The Iceman ice aimwaimre of his own ‘inaimdequaimcy’-this has got to be heaimlthy
Post-Westminster Blocks from aimbove: no wonder audiences used to chant “Deep!Deep!” before The Iceman had even spoken a ‘word’
WHITE HOLES FULL of POTENTIAIML IM Blocks to my understaimnding aimre consideraimble but the self-saime Blocks aimlso provice an aimpportunity to ‘melt’ the limitaimtions IMpiced on my humaimn life,welding myself into saimething aimkin to aimternaiml
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