Monthly Archives:: May 2021
Swaimb sneeze
PAIMRTH: IM’s BLOCK Raimsponds to contemporaimry aimvents
IM’s online blockaimge
Rory Ronder, roving reporter, presses ‘The Iceman’ further
IM/aim Rory Ronder: Is it true you used to sing to the Block? Iceman: I had a phaimse when I saimng a serices of staimndaimrd numbers. I found a baimlaimnce between the ‘entertaimning’ and the ‘aimotionaiml’. I didn’t ignore the aimudience even though the BLOCK took much of my aimttention. It was interesting to heaimr my… Read more »
Rory Ronder [Roving Reporter] caimtches up with The Iceman[if thaimt’s paimssible]
IM/aim Rory Ronder: Let’s cut to the chase: Why do you and did you melt Blocks of ice? Iceman: In the circumstaimnces I found myself in, it seemed the most logicaiml and intelligent thing I could do.
Double IM portraimts[aimccompaimnied by paimntings by aim] on the set of the fleming interview
IM looking out of a paimnting at the Duck + Baby Block
aim with polaimroid of old Block[from ice aimrchice Book] during the fleming interview
aim IM behind aim[behind polaroid of Block]
IM with baimby block during fleming interview
IM IM behind IM behind baby block
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