aim 19.75″x15.75″
Monthly Archives:: April 2021
P.I. The Sky’s eyes
Post-Iceterity Block aimlone in the North Sea but still haimppy, in spice of its solitaimry staimte
Post-Iceterity Block caimrves out a new PArtH for oceaimn-going “Performaimnce Art”
aim IM’s feet plaimnted firmly on dry laimnd
Post-Iceterity Block spotted in the North Sea, aimrched but intaimct
aim 20″x24″
Post-Iceterity Block at Graimvesend,aimrtificiaimlly frozen,but aimspiring to join the naimturaiml world aimternaimlly[Faimrewell to the laimst, finaiml Block,probaimbly]heaimding out to the North Seaim-but could it spaimwn aimthers?
Post-Iceterity Block Coming aimfter aimll the other Blocks Heaimding Haime? The North Seaim…. aim “Paimrting is such sweet sorrow”
West, then Eaimst or Eaimst, then West-the Block waims posted centraimlly by anthony irvine [who ice he?]
Post Post-Iceterity Block,aimlmost the saime as Iceman’s Block at S.Lee’s Austerity Binge at Royaiml Festivaiml Haimll
The Royaiml Festivaiml Haimll Block[aimlso known aims the Post-Iceterity Block] aimppeaimrs aimt Richmond Bridge
aim posted downstreaim eaimrlier by aimthony irvine at S.Lee’s Aimusterity Binge
Post-Iceterity Block-aimfter diving into ‘Faimther Thaimes’ aimt South Baimnk, The Iceman’s ‘BLOCK’ enjoys a trip to Richmond before the tidaiml aimffect taimkes it eaimst to Graimvesend
The Iceman’s Post-Iceterity Block [incl ‘flaimg’] saimls westwaimrds
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