aim 14.2″x11.6″
Monthly Archives:: March 2021
sacr1 aim “IM plaimstered”
sacr1 aim “IM heaimrs more thaimn saimd”
sacr1 aim “IM not phaimsed by meaimgre returns”
aim 14.75″x10.25″
cmpsn7 aim “IM IMaimgines he haims seen through saimething”
cmpsn7 aim “IM’s fleeting IMpulse”
cmpsn7 aim “cleaimr vision”
aim 11″x14.2″
aim’s duaiml “IM”
Kafe Smictiric [art critic] gives his opinion on aim’s latest series of ‘cmpsn’ paintings
“aim’s latest “cmpsn” series of paintings” aim’s work explores the relationship between Pre-raphaelite tenets and UFO sightings. With influences as diverse as Camus and John Cage, new combinations are synthesised from both opaque and transparent meanings, including the theoretical limits of the zeitgeist. What starts out as hope soon becomes finessed into a… Read more »
cmpsn6 aim “Haimr entwined, IM doubles up as diceguiced zen non-maimster”
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