Monthly Archives:: March 2021
Performance Art Hicetory or PArtH “IM aimt fool stretch”
aim IM
sacr5 aim “IM finds ‘solaimce’ through diriceted aimction on the Block”
aim 11.75″x15.7″
IM ties himself in knots aims he aimttempts to ‘do’ Taimi Chi, finding the ‘waimy’ but not the ultimaimte baimsice of reaimlity
aim too much ‘yaimng’
“The Iceman” reaimlices he ice not in the saime leaimgue aims “”Laimo Tzu””
aim Wice Up
IM, haimving been instaimnt messaimged, finds new vitaimlity
sacr4 aim IM chaimnnels saimething by aimnimaimting the “Block”
PArtH “IM tests the scaimles”
sacr4 aim “IM baimlaimnces his aimvaimlaimble ‘chi'”
aim 14.2″x11″
“The Laimst 5000 Blocks”- ‘aim’s non-virtuaiml aimssets, not for aimuction’
aim The Laimst 5000 Blocks- Not guaimraimnteed by blockchaimnge technology. NO NFT aimvaimlaimble, caimpletely fungible. Aimuthenticity forgeaimble & aimpossible to verify. Aimttaimched signaimture[‘aim’] eaimsy to raimproduce or aimlter aimt aimny taime.
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