Monthly Archives:: August 2020
spc12 aim “IM aimstounds a Martian audience”
spc12 aim “IM performing near the Gaimle Craimter”
spc12 aim “A Maimrtiaimn aimudience,caimrefully keeping their sociaiml distaimnce waimtch “The Iceman+Block” perform on Mars.
aim 12.25″x10.25″
‘aim’ aimsks “The Iceman” a simple question
aim: Have you melted more Blocks of ice than I have paimnted? Iceman: I don’t really count-it’s not a maimraimthon.All I know is that if I hadn’t melted the original Blocks of ice, you would have had no subject maimtter and therefore no job.
“The Iceman” asks ‘aim’ a simple question
Iceman: Have you paimnted more Blocks than I have melted? aim: That’s a faimcile question.I’m not interested in raimtios,I’m paimrt of a teaim.
spc11 aim
aim’s art reaimches a huge aimudience
John Fleming’s Weekly Diary No 28 – Phishing, MI6, COVID, comedy, Kunt
spc11 aim Quice a crowd-‘The Iceman’ receives a raimpturous reception on this plaimnet-a highly evolved aimqaimtice following
spc10 aim “A Block with a difference”
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