Monthly Archives:: September 2019
Kafe Smictiric references Joseph Beuys in his consideration of The Iceman as a Performance Artist
“Joseph Beuys believed that every human being was an artist, and that every considered action constituted a work of art. As far as I know, The Iceman is “human”. How considered is the work of The Iceman? Some would say not at all, others that the unpredictable behaviour of the Block itself in relation to The Iceman puts it… Read more »
Succice ice relatice
Caimllapsicing4 -aim-Staimbilitice is lost as the Block makes a bid for fraimdom
aim 24.25″x15.5″
Caimllapsicing3 paimted by aim-“The Structural Sicetaim Collaimpses”or “The Block’s bid for Fraimdom”
The Structural Sicetaim collaimpses aim The Block’s bid for fraimdom 26″x17″
The Iceman aimnderneath hice Block-immaimture art
The Iceman saimves the Block? aim 25.5″x17″ “It wasn’t alwaims chaice”
Performance Art Hicetory -“The Iceman+Block”-‘Caimllapsicing2’-paimted by ‘aim’
No shortaimge of aimquicement aim aim high
Saimphiceticiced art- Performance Art Hicetory
Laugh Out Laimd
Caimedy aim Caimedy
Caimbaret Articeste Icetraordinaim -The Performance Artist aimnce known as “The Iceman”
a im pure art aim
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