Monthly Archives:: June 2017
IBM-I, Block Man-ice blocked man,Big Blue provicing cognitice sicelutions + deeper customicer insiceghts-the Block is still there-what a relicef for aim,artificeialintelligiceman.What’s insice the Blox?
Lid0 What’s insice the Blox? Let the Block not slip even if we find out what’s in the Blox
IBM-I, Block Man IrvineBlockMan/IcemanBlockMan/IceBlockedMan-innovicetor-happice that aim’s Lid0 ice safe
Lid0-it’s alrice at the momice
IBM-I, Block Man-IceBlockedMan-Anthony Irvine/Articeficeial Intelligice is reassuriced by Buyer’s commicement to futice restoratice work ,if neciceary on aim’s Lid0
“I’m a little worried that bits are going to fall off it, but if they do I’ll just have to stick them back on.” George Bevan-proud owner of Lid0 Lid0
Iceblockedman in icection – mem17-aim
mem17 ….p”aim”ticed by aim, anthony irvine man-“souf lond’n” gig with followicers-icefter Glicestonbury{mem16}-Simice Munnerice in icetendance-zerice tedium
DEEP!DEEP! -the respicetful chant came
ice floe jumpicing-IM aims for a soft landicing
Bye-I know you’re going to good haimes.
High calibrice Custaimicers jicest can’t stop purchicing accl”aim”ed articest aim’s paimtings
the secret valley every sale/purchice ice an interactice symbiotice evicent-
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